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I graduated in Physics (1989) at the Instituto de Física (UFRGS) and obtained my M.Sc. (1991) and Ph.D. (1995) degrees in the same institution. I spent some time as a post-doc fellow at the Università di Napoli (Italy) and, later on, as a visiting researcher at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris). I'm now a full professor at the IF-UFRGS and a CNPq IB researcher. Get an updated online version of my CV or an authenticated list of papers from here.

September 27, 2023: 1946 citations, h = 23

  1. Opinion inertia and coarsening in the Persistent Voter modeldownload pdf file
    Luis Carlos F. Latoski, Wellington G. Dantas and J.J. Arenzon
    2024 Phys. Rev. E 109 054115
  2. Emergent cooperative behavior in transient compartmentsdownload pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon and Luca Peliti
    2023 Phys. Rev. E 108 034409
  3. Energy-lowering and constant-energy spin flips: Emergence of the percolating cluster in the kinetic Ising modeldownload pdf file
    Amanda de Azevedo-Lopes, Renan A.L. Almeida, Paulo M.C. de Oliveira and J.J. Arenzon
    2022 Phys. Rev. E 106 044105
  4. Curvature-driven growth and interfacial noise in the voter model with self-induced zealotsdownload pdf file
    Luis Carlos F. Latoski, Wellington G. Dantas and J.J. Arenzon
    2022 Phys. Rev. E 106 014121
  5. A branching random-walk model of disease outbreaks and the percolation backbonedownload pdf file
    Paulo M.C. de Oliveira, Daniel Stariolo and J.J. Arenzon
    2022 J. Phys. A 55 224009
  6. Maximal Diversity and Zipf's Lawdownload pdf file
    Onofrio Mazzarisi, Amanda de Azevedo-Lopes, J.J. Arenzon, and Federico Corberi
    2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 128301
    Destaque em Física da Sociedade Brasileira de Física
  7. Skepticism and rumor spreading: the role of spatial correlationsdownload pdf file
    Marco A. Amaral, W. G. Dantas and J.J. Arenzon
    2020 Phys. Rev. E 101 062418
  8. Dynamical cluster size heterogeneitydownload pdf file
    Amanda de Azevedo-Lopes, André R. de la Rocha, Paulo Murilo C. de Oliveira and J.J. Arenzon
    2020 Phys. Rev. E 101 012108
  9. Rumor propagation meets skepticism: a parallel with zombiesdownload pdf file
    Marco A. Amaral and J.J. Arenzon
    2018 Europhys. Lett. 124 18007
  10. Unconventional cycles and multiple adiabatic pointsdownload pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon
    2018 Eur. J. Phys. 39 065103
  11. Risk and interaction aversion: screening mechanisms in the Prisoner's Dilemma gamedownload pdf file
    Gabriel Canova and J.J. Arenzon
    2018 J. Stat. Phys. 172 279 
  12. Collective strategies and cyclic dominance in asymmetric predator-prey spatial gamesdownload pdf file
    Annette Cazaubiel, Alessandra F. Lütz, and J.J. Arenzon
    2017 J. Theor. Biol. 430 45 
  13. Cyclic Competition and Percolation in Grouping Predator-Prey Populationsdownload pdf file
    Alessandra F. Lütz, Annette Cazaubiel, and J.J. Arenzon
    2017 Games 8 10 
  14. Competing nematic interactions in a generalized XY model in two and three dimensionsdownload pdf file
    Gabriel A. Canova, Yan Levin, and J.J. Arenzon
    2016 Phys. Rev. E 94 032140 
  15. Domain size heterogeneity in the Ising model: geometrical and thermal transitionsdownload pdf file
    André R. de la Rocha, Paulo Murilo C. de Oliveira, and J.J. Arenzon
    2015 Phys. Rev. E 91 042113 
  16. Slicing the 3d Ising model: critical equilibrium and coarsening dynamicsdownload pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, Leticia F. Cugliandolo and Marco Picco
    2015 Phys. Rev. E 91 032142
  17. Relaxation dynamics near the sol–gel transition: From cluster approach to mode-coupling theorydownload pdf file
    Antonio Coniglio, J.J. Arenzon, Annalisa Fierro, and Mauro Sellitto
    2014 Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 223 2297
  18. Percolation and cooperation with mobile agents: geometric and strategy clusters download pdf file
    Mendeli H. Vainstein, Carolina Brito, and J. J. Arenzon
    2014 Phys. Rev. E 90 022132
  19. Percolation approach to glassy dynamics with continuously broken ergodicity download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, Antonio Coniglio, Annalisa Fierro, and Mauro Sellitto
    2014 Phys. Rev. E 90 020301(R)
  20. Globally synchronized oscillations in complex cyclic games download pdf file
    Charlotte Rulquin and J.J. Arenzon
    2014 Phys. Rev. E89 032133
  21. Kosterlitz-Thouless and Potts transitions in a generalized XY model download pdf file
    Gabriel A. Canova, Yan Levin, and J.J. Arenzon
    2014 Phys. Rev. E 89 012126
  22. Spatial social dilemmas: dilution, mobility and grouping effects with imitation dynamicsdownload pdf file
    Mendeli H. Vainstein and J. J. Arenzon
    2014 Physica A 394 145
  23. Intransitivity and coexistence in four species cyclic gamesdownload pdf file
    Alessandra F. Lütz, Sebastián Risau-Gusman, and J.J. Arenzon
    2013 J. Theor. Biol. 317 286
  24. Women and physics in Brazil: Publications, citations and H index download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, Patrícia Duarte, Solange Cavalcanti, and Marcia. C. Barbosa
    2013 AIP Conf. Proc. 1517 78
  25. Reply to ``Incommensurate vortices and phase transitions in two-dimensional XY models with interaction having auxiliary minima''
    by S. E. Korshunov
    download pdf file
    G. A. Canova, F. Poderoso, J.J. Arenzon, and Y. Levin
    2012 arXiv:1207.3447  (reply accepted in PRL, not published because the original comment was withdrawed by the author)
  26. Microscopic models of mode-coupling theory: the F_12 scenariodownload pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon and M. Sellitto
    2012 J. Chem. Phys. 137 084501
  27. Geometrical properties of Potts model during the coarsening regime download pdf file
    M.P.O. Loureiro, J.J. Arenzon, and L.F. Cugliandolo
    2012 Phys. Rev. E 85 021135
    Fig. 2 selected to appear in Phys. Rev. E Kaleidoscope
  28. Cooperation and age structure in spatial games download pdf file
    Z. Wang, Z. Wang, X. Zhu, and J.J. Arenzon
    2012 Phys. Rev. E 85 011149
  29. Glassy dynamics and hysteresis in a linear system of orientable hard rods download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, D. Dhar, and R. Dickman
    2011 Phys. Rev. E  84 011505
  30. New ordered phases in a class of generalized XY models download pdf file
    F. Poderoso, J.J. Arenzon, and Y. Levin
    2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 067202
    Editor's Selection
  31. Dynamic facilitation picture of a higher-order glass singularity download pdf file
    M. Sellitto,  D. De Martino, F. Caccioli, and J.J. Arenzon
    2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 265704
  32. Coarsening in the Potts model: out-of-equilibrium geometric propertiesdownload pdf file
    M.P.O. Loureiro, J.J. Arenzon, A. Sicilia, and L.F. Cugliandolo
    2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 246 012022
  33. Curvature-driven coarsening in the two dimensional Potts model download pdf file
    M.P.O. Loureiro, J.J. Arenzon, L.F. Cugliandolo and A. Sicilia
    2010 Phys. Rev. E 81 021129
    Fig. 7 selected to appear in Phys. Rev. E Kaleidoscope
  34. Geometry of phase separation download pdf file
    A. Sicilia, Y. Sarrazin, J.J. Arenzon, A.J. Bray and L.F. Cugliandolo
    2009 Phys. Rev. E 80 031121
  35. Random mobility and spatial structure often enhance cooperation download pdf file
    E.A. Sicardi, H. Fort, M.H. Vainstein and J.J. Arenzon
    2009 J. Theor. Biol. 256 240
  36. Domain growth in 2d: exact results, simulations and experiments  
    A. Sicilia, J.J. Arenzon, A.J. Bray, L.F. Cugliandolo, I. Dierking,  J. Martinez-Perdiguero, I. Alonso, and I.C. Pintre
    2009 AIP Conference Proceedings  1091 162-165
    MODELING AND SIMULATION OF NEW MATERIALS: Proceedings of Modeling and Simulation of New Materials: Tenth Granada Lectures
  37. Experimental test of curvature-driven dynamics in the phase ordering of a two dimensional liquid crystaldownload pdf file
    A. Sicilia, J.J. Arenzon, I. Dierking, A.J. Bray, L.F. Cugliandolo, J. Martinez-Perdiguero, I. Alonso, and I.C. Pintre
    2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 197801
  38. Geometric properties of two-dimensional coarsening with weak disorder download pdf file
    A. Sicilia, J.J. Arenzon, A.J. Bray and L.F. Cugliandolo
    2008 Europhys. Lett. 82 10001
  39. Exact results for two-dimensional coarsening
    Proceedings of the Statphys 23, 2007, July 9-13, Genova, Italy
    J.J. Arenzon, A.J. Bray, L.F. Cugliandolo and A. Sicilia
    2008 Eur. Phys. J. B 64 403-407
  40. Domain growth morphology in curvature-driven two-dimensional coarsening download pdf file
    A. Sicilia, J.J. Arenzon, A.J. Bray and L.F. Cugliandolo
    2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 061116
  41. Cooperation in diffusive spatial games 
    XV Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2006) 
    M. H. Vainstein, A. T. C. Silva, and J. J. Arenzon
    2007 AIP Conference Proceedings 913, p. 26-31
  42. Does mobility decrease cooperation? download pdf file 
    M.H. Vainstein, A.T.C. Silva and J.J. Arenzon
    2007 J. Theor. Biol. 244 722-728
    See also my talk at the ECCS07:
  43. Monte Carlo simulations of 2d hard core lattice gases download pdf file 
    H.C.M. Fernandes,  J.J. Arenzon and Y. Levin
    2007 J. Chem. Phys. 126 114508
  44. Exact results for curvature-driven coarsening in two dimensions download pdf file 
    J.J. Arenzon, A.J. Bray, L.F. Cugliandolo and A. Sicilia
    2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 145701
  45. Equation of state for hard square lattice gases download pdf file
    H.C.M. Fernandes, Y. Levin and J.J. Arenzon
    2007 Phys. Rev. E 75 052101
  46. Heterogeneities in aging models of granular compaction download pdf file 
    J.J. Arenzon
    2006 Braz. J. Phys. 36 614-618 
  47. Random walk to freedom: the time of effusion download pdf file 
    Y. Levin, M.A.P. Idiart and J.J. Arenzon
    2005 Physica A 354 95-100
  48. Inherent structures dynamics in glasses: a comparative study download postscript file
    D. A. Stariolo, J.J. Arenzon and G. Fabricius
    2004 Physica A 340 316-326
  49. Solute diffusion out of a vesicle download postscript file 
    Y. Levin, M.A.P. Idiart and J.J. Arenzon
    2004 Physica A 344 543-546
  50. Kovacs effect in facilitated spin models download pdf file 
    J.J. Arenzon and M. Sellitto
    2004 Eur. Phys. J. B 42 543-548
  51. Kinetics of charge inversion
    Proceedings of the Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems (SCCS2002) download pdf file
    Y. Levin and J.J. Arenzon
    2003 J. Phys. A 36 5857-5863
  52. Slow dynamics under gravity: a nonlinear diffusion model download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, Y. Levin and M. Sellitto
    2003 Physica A 325 371-395
  53. When charges go to the surface: the generalized Thomson problem download pdf file
    Y. Levin and J.J. Arenzon
    2003 Europhys. Lett. 63 (3) 415-418
  54. A nonlinear diffusion model for granular segregation download pdf file
    H.C. Marques Fernandes, J.J. Arenzon, Y. Levin and M. Sellitto
    2003 Physica A 327 (1-2) 94-98
  55. Heterogeneities in systems with quenched disorder download pdf file
    M. H. Vainstein, D. A. Stariolo and J.J. Arenzon
    2003 J. Phys. A 36 10907-10919
  56. Thermodynamic properties of a simple model of like-charged attracting rods download pdf file
    J. Stilck, Y. Levin and J.J. Arenzon
    2002 J. Stat. Phys. 106 287-299
  57. Glassy models for granular materials download pdf file
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Sparsely Connected Systems: Porous and Granular Materials (Bariloche, Argentina)
    J.J. Arenzon and M. Sellitto
    2001 Gran. Matt. 3 1/2 57-61
  58. Reply to "Comment on 'Two time scales and FDT violation in a Finite Dimensional Model for Structural Glasses'" download pdf file
    F. Ricci-Tersenghi, G. Parisi, D. Stariolo and J.J. Arenzon
    2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 4717
  59. Aging dynamics and density relaxation in granular compaction download pdf file
    Y. Levin, J.J. Arenzon and M. Sellitto
    2001 Europhys. Lett. 55 767-773
  60. Micelle formation in the presence of polyelectrolyte download pdf file
    N.Lemke, J.J. Arenzon and Y. Levin
    2001 Physica A 300 82-90
  61. Disordered environments in spatial games download pdf file
    M.H. Vainstein and J.J. Arenzon
    2001 Phys. Rev. E 64 051905
  62. Two time scales and FDT violation in a Finite Dimensional Model for Structural Glasses download pdf file
    F. Ricci-Tersenghi, D. Stariolo and J.J. Arenzon
    2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 4473-4476
  63. The mean-field theory for attraction between like-charged macromolecules download pdf file
    Proceedings of the VIth LAWNP, Cordoba (Argentina)
    J.J. Arenzon, Y. Levin and J.F. Stilck
    2000 Physica A 283 1-5
  64. The Frustrated Lattice Gas: a model for the glass transition download pdf file
    Proceedings of the VIth LAWNP, Cordoba (Argentina)
    D. Stariolo and J.J. Arenzon
    2000 Physica A 283 74-79
  65. Dynamics of the Frustrated Ising Lattice Gas download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, F. Ricci-Tersenghi and D. Stariolo
    2000 Phys. Rev. E 62 5978-5985
  66. Free-volume kinetic models of granular matter download pdf file
    M. Sellitto and J.J. Arenzon
    2000 Phys. Rev. E 62 7793-7796
  67. Replica Theory of Granular Media download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon
    1999 J. Phys. A 32 L107-L113
  68. Off-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Frustrated Lattice Gas download pdf file
    D.A. Stariolo and J.J. Arenzon
    1999 Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 59R4762-R4765
  69. The nature of attraction between like charged rods download pdf file
    Y. Levin, J.J. Arenzon and J.F. Stilck
    1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 2680
  70. Simple Model for Attraction between Like-Charged Polyions download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, J.F. Stilck and Y. Levin
    1999 Eur. Phys. J. B 12 79-82
  71. Replica Mean Field Theory for Granular Media download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon
    Proceedings of the Vth LAWNP, Canela (Brazil)
    1998 Physica A 257 303
  72. The Blume-Emery-Griffiths Spin Glass Model download pdf file
    M. Sellitto, M. Nicodemi and J.J. Arenzon
    1997 J. Physique I 7 945
  73. Equilibrium Properties of the Ising Frustrated Lattice Gas download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, M. Nicodemi and M. Sellitto
    1996 J. Physique I 6 1143
  74. Chaotic Dynamics of High Order Neural Networks download pdf file
    N.Lemke, J.J. Arenzon and F.A. Tamarit
    1995 J. Stat. Phys 79 415
  75. Nonlinear Behavior of Neural Networks with Dynamical Thresholds download pdf file
    N. Lemke, J.J. Arenzon, R.M.C. de Almeida and S.G. Rosa Jr.
    1995 J. Phys. A 28 1335
  76. Generalization on the Diluted Hopfield Model download pdf file
    C.R. da Silva, F.A. Tamarit, N. Lemke, J.J. Arenzon and E.M.F. Curado
    1995 J. Phys. A 28 1593
  77. Simulating Highly Diluted Neural Networks download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon and N. Lemke
    1994 J. Phys. A 27 5161
  78. Fourth Order Interactions in Neural Networks download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, R.M.C. de Almeida, J.R. Iglesias, T.J.P. Penna and P.M.C. de Oliveira
    1993 Physica A 197 1
  79. Neural Networks with High Order Connections download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon and R.M.C. de Almeida
    1993 Phys. Rev. E 47 4060
  80. Simulation of a Multineuron Interaction Model download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, R.M.C. de Almeida, J.R. Iglesias, T.J.P. Penna and P.M.C. de Oliveira
    1992 Journal de Physique I1 55-62
  81. Multineuron Interaction Model for Neural Networks download pdf file
    J.J. Arenzon, R.M.C. de Almeida and J. R. Iglesias
    1992 J. Stat. Phys.69 385
  82. Categorization and Generalization in the Hopfield Model download pdf file
    M.C. Branchtein and J.J. Arenzon
    1992 Journal de Physique I 2 2019-2024
  83. Convergence Time on the RS Model download pdf file
    T.J.P. Penna, P.M.C. de Oliveira, J.J. Arenzon, R.M.C. de Almeida and J.R. Iglesias
    1991 Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. C2 711-717

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