Frequently Asked Questions

1) How to use PaASP?

(i) Read the paper

(ii) Bin your synthesis results (xj) into 3 population vectors: young, intermediate, and old ages. For more information on the definition of the populations vectors see Cid Fernandes et al. (2004, 2005) and Riffel et al. (2009).

(iii) Select the representative age of each vector, for example: 5 Myr for young, 200 Myr for intermediate, and 13 Gyr for old.
Tip: take as the representative population the ages of xj with the largest contribution in each bin.

(iv) Put the percentage contribution (only integers and sum equal to 100% are allowed) of each age in the form, select the nor- malisation point and submit it.

(v) You will be redirected to the results query page. There your inputs are marked in red and the propagated results over all λs (see text) are shown. You can also download the file with a table with propagation results for all the results of Eq. 4, in fractions of 1% for your query.

(vi) The 3 first columns of the table are the input fractions for a given normalisation point and for 3 ages, which are specified in the header (first and second lines). The next columns are the propaga- tion of the results for all λs. Note that the results are given in 3 lines blocks: young, intermediate and old fractions, respectively.

2) How to cite this work?