Ciclo de Carnot (Máquina Térmica)

Este applet mostra os processos físicos de uma máquina de Carnot.

O Ciclo de Carnot é uma sequência reversível de quatro estágios consistindo de

1. Fixe o ponto de partida (Pressão, Volume) do processo de compressão adiabática:

2. Set the starting point for the isothermal compression process:

3. Press Start button to start the animation, Press Reset to reset the conditions.

4. Cp/Cv is the ratio of the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure to that at constant volume.

5. When the mouse is within P-V region (while animation is suspended)

Your suggestions are highly appreciated!

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AuthorĄGFu-Kwun Hwang, Dept. of physics, National Taiwan Normal University
Last modified : Mon Jan 26 07:05:34 1998
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